3rd Party Heads Up Display for Driver Safety


Automobile is the predominant way of transportation in the USA. With a focus on improving driving safety with the aid of technology, this project aims to make advanced navigation features accessible for all cars and all drivers.
Problem Discovered:


Traditional Navigation Apps
  • Placing the Device - Recuires to purchasephone stand/phone mount separatelv
  • Distraction - Drivers tends to frequently interact with the phone and multitask due to it placement
  • Hard to See - The interface is often out of driver's FOV or the interface blocks drivers view on the road
Secondary Research

Vehicle Safety & Driver Distraction

According to NHTSA(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)..
In 2021, 3,522 people were killed and an estimated additional 362,415 people were injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes involving distracted drivers
In 2021, there were 644 nonoccupants (pedestrians, cyclists, and others) killed in distraction-affected trafficcrashes.
In 2019, 9% of the fatal traffic crashes (33,487) are distraction- affected. 14% of the distraction- affected fatalities involves Cell phone usage.
User Research

User Interviews

with 4 drivers who drives with navigation systems...
24 yrs old; lives in Houston, Texas; drives at least once per day; uses Google maps on phone with a phone stand
“I had a problem with the first phone mount when it couldn't dropped down low enough so it took up like half of my visibility and block the center of my windshield so that was definitely a problem where l just couldn't see enough out of my car.
24 yrs old; student at Rhode lsland School of Design: lives in Providence, Rl; uses Google maps on phone and holds it by hand
“I used to have one (phone stand) but then it broke and then I bought another one and that one also broke. So l don't use them anymore. l just hold it by hand when I'm driving ... or if l have a passenger with me, sometimes Ill have them give me directions, but generally I'll just be holding it myself.
Student at Carleton University: 31 yrs old; lives in Ottawa:Use Google maps on phone for navigation; secures phone in cupholder
Yeah, I get distracted for changing songs. Sometimes I'm checking social media. Yeah, I'm not a great. I'm a somewhat distracted driver. I won't swipe through lnstagram, but if l get like a notification... Sometimes l don't have to look it up, but sometimes I'm at a light.I'l look at my phone.Which is not good.
Professor at Rhode lsland School of Design;lives in Providence; uses Apple maps on phone for navigation with apple watch for hectic feedback
I try not to but I probably look,I probably take my eyes off the road a handful of times during a single drive to adjust the music right or read a text message which l really try not to do, or look at navigation directions.

Data Points

An affinity map was created based on the analyzed data points and users experience from the interviews.
Below are the main themes identified from the affinity map.
Driving with Navigation
Multi-tasking with phone
  • Texting when driving
  • Checking SocialMedia
  • Choosing music through phone screen
Direction Lacks Clarity
  • Complex Intersections
  • No Lane Indication
Distraction Occurs Frequently
  • Phone Placement blocks driving field of view
  • Removes attention from road to check nav.
  • Holds phone by hand for navigation
The road is ever-changing
  • Performing Maneuvers
  • Encountering traffic and accidents
  • Extreme Weather
Problem Statement:
How can we provide distraction-free navigation to enhance driver safety ?

User Persona

Realizing that driver's needs are different due to the driving environments,l created two different to tackle detailed user goals.
Urban Commuter
Alex, a 24-year-old Uber driver, constantly navigates through the dense traffic and tight city streets in urban areas to pickup and drop off passengers.
  • Accurate Navigation
    Detailed road visualizations for precise navigation
  • Seamless Integration
    Distraction-free driving experience
Pain Points
  • Lack of Clarity
    Uncertainty about correct lanes and turns
  • Navigation Challenges
    Confusion due tofrequent turns and maneuvers
  • Distraction from Phone
    Tends to text and drive



Uber Driver

Highway Cruiser
Sarah, a 40-year-old sales representative, frequently travels long distanceson the highway to meet clients in different cities. Sarah values a calm and safeexperience on the road.
  • Safe Highway
    Warnings about unexpected conditions for a calm journey
  • Seamless Integration
    Distraction-free driving experience
Pain Points
  • Fear of Highway
    Anxiety with high speeds, traffic stops, and merges.
  • Uncertainty with Speed
    Desire foranavigation interface that doesn'trequires her to take her eyes off from the road




Project Proposal: A third-partyHeads Up Display device thatdisplay navigation through theprojection of a mobile app
Technology Research
Heads Up Display (HUD)
First being utilized in aerospace, HUD technology uses combiner glass that's both reflective and transparent. This drastically enhances situational awareness by allowing users to view both the outside world and important on-screen information simultaneously, minimizing distractions during critical situation on the road.

Market Potential

Target User groups - Drivers with Older Generation of Vehicles
Passenger Vehicle Ownership 2021
Passenger Vehicle Ownership 2021
Solution (Navigation lnterface)

Information Arch.& Hierarchy

ContentLayouton Screen


ColorResearch &Hierarchy

Design System &lcons


Ul for Urban Streets

For Urban Driving, the navigation will showcase the map and the route in a zoomed-in level so the drivers will be able to see the nearby streets as guiding reference for route and location. The turn instruction icon provides guidance for the upcoming maneuver for complex intersections

Ul for Highway Driving

For Highway Driving, the map and the route are more zoomed out to deal with high speed environment.
To fulfill users' needs, the interface features pop ups on the side to warn users about the accidents,weather, or merging, increasing user' s response time for critical situations
Solution (HUD Device)

Driver's Field of View

Device Placement
Maximum Clarity
Slightly Out of Focus
Out of Focus
To fully understand the product's usage environment, l have studied the driver's Field of View inside the cabin. The illustration indicated the users' general FOV focusing on the road. From there, I decided where the product should be placed and designed from it.

Ideation Sketch

Solution (Navigation lnterface)

High-Fidelity Model

The Final Model was built in Fusion 360 and 3D printed with ABS plastic filament for the highest fidelity. The Assembled device was printed matt black to minimalize visual distraction when in use.
Hinge Mechanism
The hinge mechanism features a swivel-like design with damping so the glass can be adjusted and stays in the desired angle with stability.
Splitter Glass
This projection device utilizebeam splitter glass with 40%transparency and 60%reflection rate,ensuring userssituational awareness andnavigation clarity simultaneity.
Securing the Device
The bottom of the base are attached with  double-sided adhesive pads, giving users the flexibility to place it anywhere on the dashboard.
Placing the phone
The front of the device has a cutout so the device can be easily taken out after usage. The inlay of the device features a layer of silicone grip pad ensuring that the phone stays static during the drive
Cutouts for Charging
Considering the fact that navigation often requires the phone screen to be on for extended period of time, the sides of the device features cutouts for charging cable

User Testing

with 4 drivers, 4 different vehicles in day & night time
Participant: Jen
Vehicle: 2008 Lexus Rx350
Participant: Shawn
Vehicle: 2014 Toyota 4Runner
Participant: Sage
Vehicle: 2013 JEEP Renegade
Participant: Kai
Vehicle: 2012 BMW X3


Improving Safety - All participants agree that the product improves driving safety by decreasing driver distraction by allowing the drivers to maintain their FOV of the road.
Reducing Distraction - Most participants believe that the device reduce digital distraction by discouraging the drivers to physically interact with their phone during the drive.


Learnability - Most of the participants report that the device itself is intuitive, the Ul can be understood with a glimpse.
Universality - 3 participants report that positioning the device in their car to their liking is easy.2 participants find it difficult due the curvature of their dashboard.
Visibility - In daytime, all participants agree that navigation can be viewed within seconds.In night time, the reflection of the phone screen on the windshield is noticed by 1 participant.


Visually Appealing - The minimalistic form of the device in combination of the pragmatic-driven design of the navigation interface appeals to all participants, allowing them to focus on driving and following the navigation clearly.


From the results of the tests and end-users' feedback, it is safe to assume that the product has successfully addressed Users' goals and needs: Operate the vehicle from point A to point B safely with navigation clarity and less distraction. lt ensures a calm driving experience that boost confidence for drivers with updated technology.


From the results of the tests and end-users’ feedback, it is safe to assume that the product has successfully addressed Users’ goals and needs: Operate the vehicle from point A to point B safely with navigation clarity and less distraction. It ensures a calm driving experience that boost confidence for drivers with updated technology.